Obama’s Achilles Heel: Banksters in the White House

I like President Obama.  My opinion is that he is an honest politician, with good intentions- a rare thing.  The appointees for his cabinet however, made me groan out loud.  The longer certain members of Barack’s staff are allowed to continue whispering into his ear, the greater the potential for disillusionment amongst the Hope Movement.  In a groundbreaking interview on PBS’ ‘Bill Moyer’s Journal’, Author and former S & L watchdog William Black discusses the ugly truth about the financial crisis and those within the Obama administration who have taken an active roll in ‘managing‘ the aftermath.  I invite you to watch the interview below, if you think you can handle the truth…My advice?  If you love Obama, then fight to have these crooks removed from his team. Continue reading “Obama’s Achilles Heel: Banksters in the White House”